Many items up for sale. Please reference photos. First come, first serve. No trades, cash only. You haul (I'll help you to load up/strap down).
Desk - $150
Large mirror (25" x 51") - $65
Tall deco. mirror (12" x 41") - $25
Beer signs (I have more not pictured) :
Boulevard (12" x 21") - $20
Bully! Porter (24" x 31") - $55 (rare and very hard to find)
Stout on the Town (24" x 31") - $50 (also very limited print run, hard to find)
Sailor Jerry (17" x 24") - $30
Canvas beer bottle (12" x 36") - $20
Double Dog Canvas (12" x 12") - $5
6.1" touchscreen head unit (send request for specs) - $250
Lifesmart 1500 Watt 6-element room heater in Oak cabinet - $65
Many other household items on offer. Laptop, dressers, floor lamp, flower pots, metal storage racks, mini-fridge, garden tools, kitchen shit, books, decorative garden rocks (limestone and Sioux quartzite), and more. Email for additional info\photos.