Many items available! in Silver Lake, Shawnee County, Kansas

Furniture Silver Lake, Shawnee County, Kansas


Many items up for sale. Please reference photos. First come, first serve. No trades, cash only. You haul (I'll help you to load up/strap down).

Desk - $150

Large mirror (25" x 51") - $65

Tall deco. mirror (12" x 41") - $25

Beer signs (I have more not pictured) :

Boulevard (12" x 21") - $20

Bully! Porter (24" x 31") - $55 (rare and very hard to find)

Stout on the Town (24" x 31") - $50 (also very limited print run, hard to find)

Sailor Jerry (17" x 24") - $30

Canvas beer bottle (12" x 36") - $20

Double Dog Canvas (12" x 12") - $5

6.1" touchscreen head unit (send request for specs) - $250

Lifesmart 1500 Watt 6-element room heater in Oak cabinet - $65

Many other household items on offer. Laptop, dressers, floor lamp, flower pots, metal storage racks, mini-fridge, garden tools, kitchen shit, books, decorative garden rocks (limestone and Sioux quartzite), and more. Email for additional info\photos.

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Views 86
Listing id 56351
Post date April 4, 2018 8:01 AM
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