Loft Bunk Bed/Workstation in Montrose, Montrose County, Colorado

Furniture Montrose, Montrose County, Colorado
250.00 $


Get the most out of your space with the modern Loft Bunk Workstation by Condor Manufacturing. The upper sleeping area can accommodate a full-sized mattress, has guardrails on all sides for safety, and accessible by ladder. The workstation below has a wood-look desk area with a shallow shelf along the back, separated from a convenient storage area with a deeper shelf by a wood-look divider and a CD rack that can hold 32 CDs. This loft bunk has an open modern look and features sturdy metal construction with a powder coated finish in sleek black. Mattress not included, buyer must disassemble, move. Dimensions: 74" H x 80.25" W x 58" D.

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Listing id 244968
Post date September 9, 2019 10:41 PM
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Jeri Mattics
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