la-z-boy sectional in Lewisburg, Maury, Tennessee

Furniture Hwy 50/ Exit 37 On I-65, Lewisburg, Maury, Tennessee
500.00 $


I have a devon la-z-boy sectional for sale. It doesn't fit in our new house. Nothing wrong with it. It is a U-shape with one recliner and a chaise lounge. It is golden tan fabric. Comes from a smoke-free home but we do have dogs. We had the couch professionally cleaned 12/8/14 by Dry-Max carpet and I can provide receipt for that. It is in good used condition. I have it split up in 2 diff rooms in the house right now because it's too large for our living room. I am including the stock photo and also a pic I took of one part of it. It comes in 4 pieces and you will need a big truck or trailer to transport it.

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Listing id 1017
Post date December 8, 2014 10:02 AM
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Erin Moon Holland
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