Kitchen Table in Swansea, St. Clair County, Illinois

Furniture Swansea, St. Clair County, Illinois
80.00 $


This kitchen table is in excellent condition but comes without any chairs for it. The asking price is starting at $80 but can be negotiated. It is circular with the diameter being 3'8" but extends to be more of an oval shape with the an attached leaf and has the dimensions of 5'3" x 3'8". Very easy to pull out and put back the leaf. Please text me at 636-734-7840 or email me if interested in this table or have any questions regarding it. Thank you!
*a truck or vehicle large enough to fit the table will be needed by the buyer

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Listing id 63085
Post date July 14, 2018 6:46 PM
Result 0 votes
Peyton Olivia Brase
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