King Size Bed - frame, box springs, mattress (15” deep), backboard, sheets, comforter in Cedar, Leelanau County, Michigan

Furniture Traverse City, Cedar, Leelanau County, Michigan
175.00 $


King Size Bed - frame, box springs, mattress (15” deep), backboard, sheets, comforter (navy blue, not red like one pictured below, but SAME (my parents bought 2) - like new and freshly dry-cleaned! Bed in GREAT condition!

We thought my parents, who are moving in with us, would want this bed, but as they are very elderly, we decided to go with 2 hospital beds instead. This bed is SO COMFY! I always LOVED laying on it at their house. :) Very solid and Very well taken care of. Come and take a look!

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Listing id 41302
Post date July 24, 2017 9:34 PM
Result 0 votes
Tracey Fleger
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