Furniture in Flemington, Hunterdon, New Jersey

Furniture Flemington, Flemington, Hunterdon, New Jersey


Blonde wood coffee table and two blonde wood end tables with glass tops asking $60.00 obo
A chair off white with floral pattern asking $20.00
Black rectangular entertainment stand asking $25.00
A side table with a lamp attached to it asking $20.00 twin wicker head board and metal bed frame asking $10.00
A little white side table asking $5.00
2 blonde wood shelves one large one small asking $20.00 for both
All prices are negotiable I can get pictures upon request pick up is in flemington crossed posted
The picture is kind of what the coffee table looks like

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Views 59
Listing id 21279
Post date November 28, 2015 10:35 AM
Result 0 votes
Nicole Babcock Walker
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