Furniture and appliances for sale in at, Henderson County, Texas

Furniture Southeast, at, Henderson County, Texas
2400.00 $


We are moving and downsizing and need to sell the contents of our home. Heavy Wood, Bedroom set: 5 piece including headboard, two night stands, dresser and chest of drawers, $650.00, for the set. Dining Room set: Large table w/leaf, includes padded cover, six chairs just recovered and a beautiful lighted china cabinet, $1,000.00. Also selling heavy wood office desk, L shaped with desk and attached sideboard as noted in photos, $250.00. Also have a 3 piece set of occasional tables, coffee table and two matching end tables, $250.00 for the set . We are also selling our Maytag washer and Amana Dryer, $250.00 for the pair. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if needed additional photos, and please feel free to make offers. Thanks for looking.

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Listing id 40327
Post date July 15, 2017 12:35 PM
Result 0 votes
Randy Wood
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