Estate Sale Furniture 4/23/2016 7-10am in Juneau, Juneau, Alaska

Furniture Juneau, Juneau, Alaska


Estate sale Saturday April 23 from 7-10 am at 9499 Moraine Way

Metal 5 or 6 shelf pantry shelves/rack like new $75
Metal rack for under kitchen sink storage $75
Plastic kitchen garbage can $10
Closet organizer - white $25
Closet organizer - metal $25
Closet Organizer - pine painted white with yellow trim $150
Large oak bookcase from Lyles $250
Small oak dresser $150
Oak computer desk from Lyles $400
Oak and glass coffee table $150
Oak Enterntainment center/many glass doors for curios, etc. $250
Oak china/display cabinet $125
Oak painting of ship $50
Blue chair and couch set $300
Rocker recliner chair white oak trim $100

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Views 64
Listing id 33162
Post date April 17, 2016 12:32 PM
Last edit April 17, 2016 4:51 PM
Result 0 votes
Dorothy McDowell
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