DROP LEAF COUNTER HEIGHT TABLE WITH 4 CHAIRS in Saltillo, Lee County, Mississippi

Furniture Saltillo, Lee County, Mississippi
750.00 $


I have loved this set so much, and it breaks my heart to part with it. Due to our recent downsize, there is no room for this beautiful table. The base is a distressed black finish, and it has a lovely cherry tabletop with a drop leaf on each side. There is also storage areas in the base,,, 2 drawers and a cabinet on each side. There are 4 chairs that go with this table. We primarily ate at the kitchen snack bar, so this set was rarely used. I bought it because it looked pretty in the breakfast nook. I purchased this set from Room to Room in Tupelo and am asking less than 1/4 of purchase price. Must pick up or we can possibly meet.

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Listing id 275135
Post date November 16, 2021 6:33 PM
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Traci Davis
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