Dresser and Bookshelves in Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Furniture Wayne, Delaware County, Pennsylvania
50.00 $


3 drawer chest with book shelves sitting on top. They are two pieces that go together and come apart for easy moving.

Drawers measure: 31 3/4" x 16.5" x 28"
Shelves measure: 31.5" x 8" x 29.5"
Total measurements:
Width: 31 3/4"
Depth: 16.5"
Height: 57.5"

Great for a kid's room.
Non-smoking, no pet home

Cash, PayPal, or Venmo only, pleas

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Views 35
Listing id 93842
Post date September 8, 2018 9:30 AM
Result 0 votes
Jens Herman
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