DOWN SIZING - MUST SELL!! in Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas

Furniture Corsicana, Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas
2500.00 $


Complete hand crafted light maple finish California King bedroom suite - included headboard and footboard, 95.5" long x 80.5" wide, tall boy dresser, 64" long x 45" tall x 22" deep, dresser, 47" long x 37" tall x 22" deep with mirror at 49"tall x 46.5" wide, two each 3 drawer night stands, 34" long x 31" x 20" deep. A two year new Beautyrest Hybrid (modified pillowtop) mattress. Headboard is 65" tall and footboard is 43" tall. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE - In MINT CONDITION!!! Please call: 903-875-9058 to see in person.

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Listing id 254652
Post date May 8, 2020 8:42 AM
Result 0 votes
Marcia G Longo
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