Dining Room Table in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Furniture Waukesha, Wisconsin
650.00 $


Hello I am selling a refurbished dining room table with 6 dining chairs including one captain's chair. The bottom has been painted white with a distressed finish, the top is walnut that has been stained a dark espresso color. The seats have been reupholstered in a light gray fabric. The table is 5 ft long, 44 inches wide, and 30 inches tall. We are asking $650 o.b.o. Please contact us at 414-343-nine 7 four 3. If you are interested in other tables or furniture pieces please visit our website at millerfurniturerefinishing.com. WE OFFER DELIVERY**

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Views 74
Listing id 5942
Post date May 17, 2015 2:01 PM
Result 0 votes
Sage Miller
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