Dining room table, chairs and serving t in Dane, Wisconsin

Furniture Madison, Dane, Wisconsin
2650.00 $


This unique dining table and chairs are made of lightweight yet sturdy pewter colored aluminum. There are 2 arm chairs with seat and back cushions and 4 regular chairs with only seat cushions. The fabric is a charcoal and silver zebra pattern. The glass is 72"L x 42"W x 5/8" thick and has a hammered edge which makes this table very unique. The matching buffet has beveled glass that sits down into the frame. The buffet measures approximately 48"L x 18"W.

* Moving - Must sell - will consider any reasonable offer. (New this would sell for over $5000+)

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Views 59
Listing id 13247
Post date August 18, 2015 7:02 PM
Last edit August 20, 2015 8:02 PM
Result 0 votes
Yvonne M Wollemann
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