Desk Wallbed from Wallbeds n' More EXCELLENT, full/double in Grass Valley, Nevada County, California

Furniture Off Hwy 49, Grass Valley, Nevada County, California
990.00 $


Great space saving furniture! Very well-made in solid wood maple, all hardware intact. Currently disassembled in three pieces (hutch, desk, bed platform) but can be further disassembled to lay flat. Currently in three partially built pieces -- we have a cargo trailer with the desk wall-bed loaded and ready to go.

New at Wallbeds n More store these are $3300 + with tax not including delivery. Mattress not included.

Plans for a "tiny home" have changed but this was used formerly in my small efficiency studio and is such a nice piece for small space. No room in vehicle chosen after all. Our loss your gain, must sell and make room. Previously listed for $1200 ... now $990 OBO.

We have carefully removed it from our home and loaded it in our cargo trailer. This is the basic full-size desk- bed without upper or side hutch pieces; it looks EXACTLY as shown in the showroom sample photo - even the maple color. SOLID WOOD.

CAN DELIVER within couple miles of current location, which is Mountain Air Mobile Home Park, off 49, Grass Valley - please have two people on your end to unload. (Delivery fee for further away, reasonable).
If you have your own truck or vehicle it is already at street level in our box trailer with walkup ramp for easy moving.
Two men carried all three pieces down 9 steps and up the ramp door to put into trailer. The pieces disassemble further to lay flat also. ALL HARDWARE INCLUDED. INSTRUCTIONS should be online or from Wallbeds N More. A good handyman / assembler can figure it out. Screws into vertical studs of wall. No drilling into floor needed.

Outer frame 83" wide x 75" high (takes up this much wall space)
Fullbed platform 78" long x 56" wide
Desk 78" long x 29" deep x 5" ledge on three sides

Cash only please, thank you. $990.

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Listing id 109139
Post date October 18, 2018 10:07 PM
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Renee Yamagishi
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