Cuddlebag, Recliner, TVs, Entertainment Center in Missoula, Missoula, Montana

Furniture Missoula, Missoula, Montana
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I need to clean out my den. If you've got an apartment to furnish, please take a look at my stuff!
I need to sell my Cuddlebag Lounger. It is 7.5' long and the original price is $659. It's in good condition and I am asking $200.
The green recliner is in great shape; I'm asking $50.
The entertainment center is very sturdy and I'm asking $30.
I have two TVs for sale and they are both console TVs. The first (gray TV) is an Sony Vega HDTV. Great picture, but I need the space in my den...asking $40.
The second TV is a Zenith and I'm asking $20.
All reasonable offers will be considered. If you'd like to purchase multiple items I'll make you a good deal.

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Listing id 11418
Post date July 30, 2015 4:38 PM
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