Cape Cod Oversized Bookcase in Moores Hill, Dearborn County, Indiana

Furniture Moores Hill, Moores Hill, Dearborn County, Indiana


MOVING!! Must Sell! New sells for $2559.99. Unit is three pieces which are bolted together to make the bookcase 84" H x 111"W x 12"D. Features include: Flush ends, pre drilled holes on the side of units, each piece is individually bench made one at a time and has 6 shelves. It is constructed of 3/4" Premium Oak Lumber Solids and the shelves are wood. It's a beautiful cream color, compliments any decor.
Bought from Wayfair, SKU: AEW1064. Look on Wayfair's web site, you'll see what a bargain this is!
No REASONABLE offer refused!

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Listing id 37928
Post date June 17, 2017 7:46 AM
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