CAMPFIRE FURNITURE: Hand-crafted, rugged and rustic furniture & decor! in Crestview, Okaloosa, Florida

Furniture Crestview, Crestview, Okaloosa, Florida
1.00 $


Campfire Furniture specializes in hand-crafted, rugged and rustic, campfire furniture. What we mean by campfire furniture is simple yet functional furniture and accessories with a taste of yesteryear.

Think back to Grandpa's old rocking chair, or maybe Grandma's favorite sewing box. This is what Campfire Furniture is all about.

Campfire Furniture provides the following services:

Custom Builds

Campfire Furniture specializes in hand-crafted, original, custom builds. Custom builds are your ideas turned into reality. We can discuss, sketch, draw, and create a plan for your special idea and make it happen! Contact Campfire Furniture today to set up an appointment.

Refurbish Refinish Repurpose

Campfire Furniture can refurbish and refinish any piece of wooden furniture or home decor. Making antiques look new again is our specialty! And the challenge of repurposing old pieces into something new is always exciting! Contact Campfire Furniture today to set up an appointment.

Campfire's Country Collection

Campfire Furniture's Country Collection is just that - a collection of country-fied furniture and home accessories. From hat racks to rocking chairs to shot glass shadow boxes to farm tables - we build it all! Contact Campfire Furniture today to set up an appointment.

Campfire's Signature Series

Campfire Furniture's Signature Series line offers a more refined design and build process culminating in a higher quality piece of furniture or home decor. Contact Campfire Furniture today to set up an appointment.

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Listing id 14747
Post date September 5, 2015 12:46 PM
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Rick Kinsey
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