Brylane Home Leather Recliner - $200 Or Best Offer in Vinita Park, St. Louis County, Missouri

Furniture Overland, Vinita Park, St. Louis County, Missouri
200.00 $


This recliner was originally purchased for $300 from the Brylane Home catalog. It is fairly new, very comfortable, reclines easily and comes from a non-smoking home. Plus, the recliner is very light and can easily be pushed or carried through a standard doorway.

There is a slight tear on one of the arms, as seen in the pictures. Besides that, there is no other visible damage.

My Mom is selling it for $200 or will negotiate an offer.

We are located in Vinita Park, about 5 minutes from Ritenour High School between Page Avenue & I-170 to the south, St. Charles Rock Road & Brown Road to the north.

Please call or text Rich at show contact info or send me an email if you are interested in buying this recliner.

Thanks for looking!

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Listing id 54399
Post date February 19, 2018 6:03 PM
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