Bedroom, Living Room, and Dining Room sets in Sterling Heights, Macomb County, Michigan

Furniture Clinton Township, Sterling Heights, Macomb County, Michigan
3200.00 $


Bedroom set; dresser with mirror, extra dresser, & 2 night stands.
Living Room; 2 end tables, coffee table, loveseat, &) 3 seater sofa with a pull out queen size mattress.
Dining Room; round high-top dining table with 4 leather chairs.
Exercise equipment; stationary bike, stepper, and a elliptical. Need to be rid of these items asap. Able to sell items individual or each set separately. This price is my final offer, items are 3 months old and purchase price was a grand total of $5500 and I'm selling for nearly half off for brand new furniture, I can guarantee that you won't find a better deal than this! I can be reached at 586-718-8989 for further inquiries, thanks.

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Views 299
Listing id 35675
Post date May 27, 2017 7:54 PM
Last edit June 2, 2017 8:01 AM
Result 0 votes
Anna El Bella
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