Beautiful suede sectional, area rug and coffee table in Fayette County, Pennsylvania

Furniture Fayette County, Pennsylvania
1500.00 $


I'm only selling due to downsizing. Beautiful suede sectional was hardly used. Great shape! Pet free home! Size is about 11X8 ft. It can easily fit 6 people. This sectional retailed well over $1000. The area rug is about the same size as the sectional. Shoes were NEVER worn on it!! It's beige like the sectional. It has floral design. Purchased at Lowe's for about $450. It also has underlayment. The round table is 42" with glass top and 4 pull out stools with suede seating. It's cherry wood. Purchased for about $500. If you are looking for beautiful furniture, look no further! I don't know why the pics are showing upside down and sideways. They show regular in my file. I apologize. Willing to separate items!! The sectional must go!! Too big in my back room as I have other things in there. Asking $1500 for all or make reasonable offer!

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Views 85
Listing id 276749
Post date February 17, 2022 8:10 AM
Last edit February 17, 2022 11:53 AM
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Michael L Blackstone
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