Beautiful Stanley Oak Dining Table and Hutch in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin

Furniture Downtown Area, Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
375.00 $


Offering an oak dining table with 6 caned chairs. 2 of the chairs have arm rests. Of the 6 tables 3 have damaged caning. Overall length and width is 60" x 42" with 2 - 16" wide leaves.
The Hutch is a one piece cabinet. Dimensions are 78" Height, 48" wide and 16" deep. It's lighted and has 2 adjustable glass shelves with a mirrored back.
Both ends are glass as well as the 2 doors on top. The lower has 2 doors and 3 drawers with brass recessed cabinet pulls and an adjustable shelf

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Listing id 42692
Post date August 6, 2017 11:22 AM
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Dan Ericksen
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