Barely Used Furniture, Must Go Prices in Mayfield, Cuyahoga, Ohio

Furniture Mayfield, Cuyahoga, Ohio


Im moving out of state and have decided to not take my furniture. I bought this furniture not even a year ago. It has been barely used because I work majority of the time. Im selling it at almost half the price I purchased it for. Would like to sell it as before this time next week.

Couch $600
Painting: $75
Rug: $75
Queen Mattress with Box spring and all: $450
Foam Pillows: $15/each
TV Stand for up to 50": $60

I'm open to making a deal on the Coach + Painting and Mattress + Pillows.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

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Views 90
Listing id 3493
Post date March 22, 2015 9:58 PM
Result 0 votes
De'Andre Holton
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