Bar & Wine Cabinet in Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida

Furniture Feather Sound, Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida
450.00 $


Hooker Furniture - Seven Seas Collection Bar & Wine Painted Cabinet
This wooden bar and wine cabinet features two (2) large three (3) hinged doors with pulls. There is beveled glass on the cabinet doors. The painted design is on the sides with a scroll and on the front with grapes and grape leaves. The wine glass/prep area has a mirror behind it. There is a light fixture in the top of the cabinet and a long cord comes out of the back.
The inside of the cabinet can accommodate seven (7) rows of wine glasses and twenty-four (24) bottles of wine. Additionally, there are three (3) shelves.
A knobbed wooden platform can be pulled out to provide workspace.
There is also a drawer to accommodate supplies.

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Listing id 13295
Post date August 19, 2015 10:25 AM
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Candis Edwards
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