Armoires in Glen Gardner/Leb. Twp., Hunterdon, New Jersey

Furniture Glen Gardner/Leb. Twp., Hunterdon, New Jersey
50.00 $


Two cherry armoires available. Selling the 1-pc. for $50. Second one is a 2-pc. and it is free, but first dibs goes to whoever buys the 1-pc. They are both very nice - the catch is you need to be able to help my husband remove them from the upstairs bedrooms. The 2-pc. can be used with or without the top section - and it has a couple of spots where white paint rubbed off on it, but I'm sure you could remove it (pic supplied). Both are equipped with back accessibility for TVs. I use one for clothing and one for TV. Need gone ASAP.

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Listing id 17431
Post date October 9, 2015 4:43 PM
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