Antique Vanity in Dunedin, Pinellas County, Florida

Furniture Dunedin, Pinellas County, Florida
65.00 $


Beautiful, white, antique vanity for sale in Dunedin. Bought it a few years back at Knot on Mainstreet for my daughter who loved it. But, alas, she is now almost a teen and more punk than princess, so we're offering it to someone else to love. It has a solid wood base, I recently lined the drawers, and the bench/stool is adorable and comfortable. There are a couple of nail polish marks you can easily remove, and the seat is easily reupholstered if you don't like this fabric (I never really thought it fit an antique but it's soft). Priced to sell.

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Listing id 261617
Post date September 27, 2020 7:10 AM
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Dana Ziecheck
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