Antique hand carved Queen of the Sea Mermaid Chair in Wyandotte, Wayne County, Michigan

Furniture Downtown, Wyandotte, Wayne County, Michigan
1200.00 $


Ohhhh this is exquisite. One of a kind, hand carved antique Mermaid chair. The type of chair you stand and admire not sit in. Any mermaid collector will go crazy at the sight of this. Serious inquiries only, I will take offers but the first and highest bidder will get it. From a Boston Edison estate, similar aged/quality chair on Ebay are far higher priced.
**** I am located in Wyandotte but this chair is worth the drive. 734-818-6758

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Listing id 46974
Post date September 25, 2017 10:10 AM
Result 0 votes
Christina Myers
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