ANTIQUE DINING SET in Morehead, Rowan, Kentucky

Furniture Downtown/MSU Campus Area, Morehead, Rowan, Kentucky
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Pineapple motif "Refectory" table, six chairs (including one captain's chair), and sideboard. Various hardwoods, including Mahogany on tabletop, sideboard top and sides. Table is undated but at least 60 years old since it includes hardware produced by a company in business from 1874 to 1954.
Table: 40" wide with two pull-out leaves that increase the length from 62" to 92".
Sideboard: 72"W x 23"D x 36"H. (39"H at top of backboard)

Call 606-784-4218

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Listing id 17884
Post date October 15, 2015 1:34 PM
Result 0 votes
Adrian Swain
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