All items are in excellent condition and working condition in belgium, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

Furniture belgium, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
125.00 $


90" mustard colored couch; goose down-filled back cushions, foam seat cushions, very clean, solidly built, 10 years old. Asking $125.00

36" butcher block kitchen table with 2 chairs, table top original with pedestal and chairs used, 10 years old. Asking $100.00

Aerodyne exercise bike, tension adjustment, move arms while cycling, 8 years old. Asking 60.00

42" Sony Wega Projection TV - 2006; beautiful picture, minimally used, comes with tempered glass/metal stand and DVD player, 11 years old. Asking $250.00

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Views 66
Listing id 43158
Post date August 11, 2017 12:08 PM
Last edit August 11, 2017 12:32 PM
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