9 piece dining room table and chairs in Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington

Furniture South, Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington


Nice cherry 9 Piece dining room set. Large table and eight comfortable chairs. 2 chairs with arms, 6 without. Sturdy and well-made, all solid cherry with 2 self-storing leaves. Big table for big family gatherings - 44"x89" closed; either 105 1/2" (with 1 leaf) or 122" long (with 2 leaves). Trestle style base. Extends very easily on ball bearing slides (one person operation), base stays put while tabletop extends. Originally purchased from Wilson's Furniture. You will love this beautiful set. We are downsizing/combining households and just don't need this big of a table anymore.

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Listing id 48878
Post date October 18, 2017 2:44 PM
Result 0 votes
Ross Osborne
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