3 Piece Desk & Dresser Set - Broyhill ATTIC HEIRLOOMS in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas

Furniture Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas
200.00 $


We are selling an exceptional three piece collection of Broyhill Attic Heirlooms containing a desk with hutch, bedside table, and tall standing dresser. New hardware! All furniture pieces are in excellent working condition. Extra storage drawers were added to the desk but remove easily to serve as a desk with plenty of space for a chair. Left side of desk fits a standard size trash; also has storage self for extra space. There is a stain to the top of the desk, but there is no warping of the wood at all; would simply need a sanding and staining and it would be as good as new. All drawers are intact. We are downsizing for our kids room. Broyhill makes fantastic furniture! Retail for all 3 greater than $1000. Asking $200, or reasonable best offer. Thanks so much for your interest, please feel free to contact with any questions!

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Listing id 48532
Post date October 14, 2017 2:33 PM
Last edit October 14, 2017 2:35 PM
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