Furniture and such in Sterling, Logan County, Colorado

Household Sterling, Logan County, Colorado
10.00 $


I am selling these items I need them gone as soon as possible
If you have any questions please IM me

Comforter and 2 pillow set $20
Vanity stand with drawer $15
Cascadia maker $5
Cake pans $3 each
Sauce pan with lid $3
Sewing table $10
Beverage jar $5
Black shelf $10
Black coffee table $10
2 lamps $5 each or both for $10
Brown cabinet $15
Box of tiles $20 for box
Kitchen table $50 or make me an offer

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Views 94
Listing id 270061
Post date June 25, 2021 1:22 PM
Result 0 votes
Sam Bellendir
0 votes

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