Freestanding Fresh Candy Dispenser in Romeo, Macomb County, Michigan

Household Washington And Shelby Township, Romeo, Macomb County, Michigan
175.00 $


4 Bin Candy Dispenser- Retro Design, great for the theatre or game room, college dorm room!

Make it easy to portion different types of candy with this Freestanding Fresh Candy Dispenser. This item has a deep green finish and is actually a throwback appliance that can be used for events, waiting room, lounges, lobbies and more. The compact tabletop option operates even with the base. This plastic candy dispenser can hold 56 oz of nuts, cereals, candies and other types of treats, and serves 24 grams per turn. It can store and dispense four types of snacks with turning die-cast dials.

Dimensions: (L x W x H) 20.00 x 20.50 x 38.00 Inches

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Listing id 258438
Post date July 24, 2020 11:02 AM
Last edit July 24, 2020 11:04 AM
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Becky Handy
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