Nannykins Diaper Stackers and Toy in Taylorsville, Spencer, Kentucky

Baby Items Taylorsville, Spencer, Kentucky
45.00 $


Nannykins: Adam Bear, Elsa Elephant and Bubba or Bubbette Dear are the FIRST EVER UNIQUE Diaper Stackers, With Stuffed Toy. I can make the bag to be used for Toys, Child’s Laundry, etc. The Heads unsnap from the bag and you have a Stuffed Animal to play with. Can be done in pink camo or any fabric design. Bubba Dear and Elsa Elephant sold as baby shower gifts, but I can take orders. Call Linda at 502-252-8777 after 12 noon and before 8 p.m. I call the new designs Nannykins. ALL SALES FINAL, NO RETURNS , NO REFUNDS< CASH ONLY.$45 Each.

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Listing id 15551
Post date September 16, 2015 1:02 AM
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Linda Simmons Keeling
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