Graco Pack 'n Play Deluxe in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

Baby Items Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
70.00 $


Used for out-of-state grandson crib - rarely. Tan, green & brown diamond pattern. Sounds, music & light attachment. Mattress pad included. See web page ad below:

Beautifully-styled, soft fabric cuddles baby for naps while a wipe-clean fabric resists messes for changes. This is the only playard designed to meet your child's needs as he grows from a newborn to an infant to a toddler.The first ever playard that has a Reversible Napper and Changer all-in-one.Newborn Napper stations beautifully styled fabrics cuddle baby for naps - perfect to snuggle in.Changing table provides time-saving convenience so you dont have to run to the nursery for diaper changesSecure attachment allows for a safe and easy switch between napper and changer, and back againThe only playard designed to transition with your child as he grows from a newborn to infant to toddlerEasily converts to a portable playardToy bar features soft toys to amuse your little oneChanger features wipe clean fabrics that resist messSignature Graco push-button fold makes closing your playard quick and hassle-freeRemovable, full-size bassinet provides an extra-comfy spot for your infant to napAiry mesh on all sides provides maximum ventilationConvenient carrying bag for no-fuss travel and storage. Bassinet for babies under 15 pounds and unable to push up on hands and knees. Playard for children unable to climb out, under 35 inches tallDimensions: 33.25 inches high x 28.50 inches wide x 40 inches long

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Listing id 61956
Post date July 2, 2018 9:54 AM
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Corrine Behling Thompson
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