Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Convertible Car Seat in Westchester, New York

Baby Items Westchester, New York
125.00 $


We are trying to sell our brand new, unused, Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 convertible car seat to a family with a child that is old enough to sit forward-facing. I thought it could be installed rear-facing, but it can't. (Ugh, my bad!) We desperately need something for our LO who is growing out of her infant seat, but she requires almost another year of facing backwards, which we prefer. My husband assembled it and replaced the old buckle (Graco recall) with the new one that Graco sent us, but the seat has never been installed in a car or been used. We still have all of the original packaging and the user manual.

We purchased it from Babies R Us in Dec 2013, pre-baby. You can see the listing here:

Asking $125 OBO if interested.
Located in Stamford, CT (and/or Westchester, NY area). Would deliver as a courtesy within 30 miles.

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Listing id 4822
Post date April 25, 2015 6:07 AM
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Jennifer Rodriguez
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