Crib and Full Nursery Set in Spokane, Spokane, Washington

Baby Items North Spokane, Spokane, Spokane, Washington
125.00 $


This is a full Jungle Nursery Set. It is green and brown. Includes crib bumper, bed ruffle, hanging diaper bag, valances, sheets, two quilts (one is actually part of the set and the other works well with the existing set), two zebra head wall coat hangers, and a matching nursery lamp. These items are in excellent condition. The crib is structurally sound, despite a few areas where there are teeth marks (it has been through 2 knawing little boys), but its a great crib because it transforms into a toddler bed, it has a changing table, three roomy drawers, and three shelves for diapers and wipes and such.

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Listing id 2186
Post date February 7, 2015 4:14 PM
Last edit February 7, 2015 4:33 PM
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Jennifer Sellen Welch
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