Baby stuff must go in Colby, Thomas County, Kansas

Baby Items Colby, Thomas County, Kansas
200.00 $


I have tons of baby clothes ranging from 0 to 12 months. I have baby socks, blankets, towels, wash cloths, a swing, a car seat with the base, a walker, a boppy pillow, a baby bag, baby shoes, a brand new baby bullet still in the box(never used). I also have breast feeding equipment( the pump, with accessories), and a traveling bassinet. All the clothes and towels and cloths have been used however nothing is stained, ripped or torn, all the items have been washed and folded. Everything else been used as well however nothing has tears in it or holes or anything like that it's all in really good condition. I'm selling this stuff because I'm not planning on having another baby for a few years and I don't have room to store it all and I don't want it to get damaged. I'm hoping someone in need could use this stuff.
$200 OBO
Serious inquires only, please text or call me at 702-540-3205

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Listing id 42646
Post date August 5, 2017 5:28 PM
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Pari A. Pearson
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