5 Gallon Detergents & Household Supplies in Adair County, Oklahoma

Household Adair County, Oklahoma
40.00 $


We deliver to your area. PREORDER NOW!

No money due until delivery is made.

Saving Families Money One Bucket At A Time!


Taking orders for:

5 Gallon Laundry Detergent comparable to Gain & Tide

Blue Comparable To Tide:
Regular, W/Downy , W/Oxi, W/Bleach, W/Febreeze, Mountain Sport, Cold Water & Free & Clear

Green Comparable To Gain:
Regular, W/Downy, W/ Febreeze, Island Fresh, Aloha, & Mango Tango

$40 - 5 Gallon Bucket 640 Loads per Bucket

$6 - for a pump

This is very Concentrated. HE Compatible. You only use 1 to 1-2 oz per load.
The pumps are designed to dispense the liquid 1 oz at a time. I highly recommend you purchasing a pump. The pumps are reusable and do not have to be purchased every time.

We also have Pods available in regular blue, green or clear.
300/$45 They are a special order item.

Also available are the dishwasher powder pods 200/$35
Fabric Softener Blue or Green 5 Gallon $45 or Gallon $16
Dish Soap 5 Gallon $45 or Gallon $16

Toilet paper 96 rolls $45
Paper Towels 30 rolls $35
Trash Bags
15 Gal 250 CT $21
33 Gal 100 CT $19
55 Gal 100 CT $27
Toilet Paper, Paper Towels & Trash Bags are a special order item just have to let me know in advance so I can order and get them in.

Check out all our products at beautifulsoapsandmore.com

When ordering please include your name, town, and a phone number and your selections.

Thank you for your time and your interest look forward to working with you.

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Views 108
Listing id 118139
Post date December 8, 2018 10:42 AM
Last edit December 8, 2018 10:45 AM
Result 0 votes
Mindy Bush
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