Unlimited Live Virtual Workouts in Butler County, Ohio

Health & Fitness Butler County, Ohio
29.00 $


IT'S NOT TOO LATE........Summer is almost here, so let's go into it feeling strong, healthy AND confident.
I’m looking for 10 people that want to feel healthy, strong, and confident going into summer! I’m a certified trainer with a special 5 week challenge!
⏩ No long-term commitment - just 5 weeks unlimited workouts with certified trainers
⏩ Potential to earn an exclusive shirt when you get 15 workouts in 5 weeks and 2 fit tests
⏩ Special personal dashboard to track your progress
⏩ You feel strong, confident, and healthy going into summer!
⏩ Direct accountability and training from me, YOUR personal trainer
⏩ $39 virtual when you sign up online or get $10 off when you sign up here : bit.ly/CGwithJessH

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Listing id 267298
Post date April 22, 2021 1:40 PM
Result 0 votes
Jessica Hoffman
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