Tens Unit in Madison, Lake County, Ohio

Health & Fitness Madison, Lake County, Ohio
60.00 $


The Century 2100 is a three mode TENS unit with a timer. It can operate under three different modes. In Burst mode, the TENS unit produces a series of seven quick pulses followed by a rest. The cycle repeats itself twice every second. In Modulation mode, the TENS unit automatically varies the amplitude of the pulse every four seconds. This is a dual channel unit, which allows you to use up to four electrodes at a time (two electrodes per channel). The TENS unit is portable and may be clipped to a belt, shirt pocket, bra or other clothing.

Channels: Dual, isolated between channels
Pulse Amplitude: 0 to 80 Ma each channel
Pulse Frequency: 2 to 150Hz, adjustable
Pulse Width: 60 to 250 microseconds, adjustable
Burst Mode: 7 pulses/burst, 2 bursts/second
Timer: 30 min, 60 min or constant time
Power Source: 9V alkaline battery
Battery Life: 15 hours average usage
Size: 24 X 64 x 95mm, approx. 5 ounces

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Listing id 265244
Post date January 21, 2021 12:10 PM
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Tim Grzely
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