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Regenepure Minoxidil Spray in Angie, Washington Parish, Louisiana

Health & Fitness Angie, Washington Parish, Louisiana
29.95 $


FOR MEN: Regenepure Precision 5% Minoxidil Spray is specially designed for men. The fine mist applicator ensures a clean and targeted application of minoxidil without any cleanup.
SUPPORTS HAIR REGROWTH: The fine mist applicator ensures absolute accuracy, targeting problem areas with ease. The direct contact spray will also help provide the scalp with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to stimulate healthy hair regrowth.
HOW IT WORKS: When applied twice a day, minoxidil may support hair regrowth and promote thicker strands where there is thinning and weakness.
WHAT YOU GET: Each box contains a one month supply of Precision 5% Minoxidil Spray in an easy to store 2 fluid ounce (60ml) container.
THE REGENEPURE LINE: Regenepure Precision 5% Minoxidil Spray works best when used in conjunction with the Regenepure DR Hair Loss Shampoo, as the shampoo will help cleanse and detoxify hair follicles; allowing for optimal minoxidil absorption.

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Listing id 202719
Post date January 25, 2019 1:29 AM
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Inaam Ul Haq
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