Pro-Form Heavy duty treadmill in Kingman, Kingman County, Kansas

Health & Fitness Kingman, Kingman County, Kansas
150.00 $


We are selling our Pro-Form Crosswalk 380 treadmill. It is a "space saver" model that folds away and has casters to easily roll for putting it away when not used.

It comes with a brand-new extra belt. The belt on the treadmill is in perfect shape, we just wanted to make sure to have an extra one. The spots on the belt in the photo are water from wiping down the belt. It's perfect and clean.

It inclines, comes with several different pre-programmed levels of speed, inclination etc. It's a heavy duty model with a solid motor that doesn't lag when a heavier person jogs on it.

We have to move to low-impact exercising, so can't be using this treadmill anymore.

We are located in Kingman. Please call 316-833-six zero 8 4

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Listing id 271686
Post date August 1, 2021 11:36 AM
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Tina LeGrand
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