It Works cleanse in Laurel, Jones, Mississippi

Health & Fitness Laurel, Jones, Mississippi
36.00 $


My inbox was flooded last week with questions about the It Works Cleanse..... Here are the questions asked and the answers in case you also are wondering.....
I am getting a lot of questions about our new Cleanse product so just in case you are wondering:

✳Can I eat food?
✳Am I going to live in the bathroom?
✳How long is the cleanse?
One bottle before breakfast and one before dinner for 2 days.
✳How often can I cleanse?
Once a month.
✳How much is it?
You can pay my low cost of $36

This product has been on back order three times since it launched because it works! Also, ask how you can get some free product credits!

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Views 948
Listing id 31662
Post date April 2, 2016 2:38 PM
Result 0 votes
Kenisha Collier
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