"back to life" machine in Preston, Pratt County, Kansas

Health & Fitness 11 Miles From Pratt, Preston, Pratt County, Kansas
40.00 $


i have a back to life machine that has been used very little. The basic concept of it is, gently stretching your lower back and hips and then releasing. It repeats this process then automatically shuts off after 20 minutes. Originally,I bought this machine to help relax my lower back. Unfortunately, my back was way beyond the point of gentle traction. I've now had surgery and have no need or this machine. It could make someone a great deal.
I apologize for the photos I've posted. I've been doing battle with my computer, and the computer won.

P.S. My apologies for the photos being side-wise. Me and the computer did battle, and I lost.

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Views 410
Listing id 41923
Post date July 30, 2017 11:53 AM
Last edit August 10, 2017 12:30 PM
Result 0 votes
Brenda Campbell
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