GREAT 2 Day Moving Sale !!
BEAUTIFUL Waterfront home loaded with great items throughout !! Antique cabinet, kayaks, dockboxes, cast iron pieces, refrigerator, original art, ottomans, leather sofa, stressless lounger / ottoman, rattan chair, nautical pieces and decorations, Swarovski, decorative pillows, area rugs, grill, outdoor loungers, dressers, king platform bed, lamps, antique steamer trunk, books, leaded glass pane, rattan / leather bar stools (4), large set of depression glass, oriental screen, vintage chairs, LOTS of kitchen ware and small appliances, Kawai grand piano / QRS PNOmation, end / accent tables, ceramic elephant plant stands, oriental cabinet, leaded shade lamps, printer, outdoor home decor and MUCH MORE...
Sale Hours
Friday, December 18th - 12 noon - 5 pm
Saturday, December 19th - 8 am - 2 pm