SRHC Service Auxiliary Fall Rummage Sale in Salina, Saline, Kansas

Garage Sales Central, Salina, Saline, Kansas
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Summer is almost over & school will be starting soon so that means it's almost time for the SRHC (Salina Regional Health Center) Service Auxiliary's Fall Rummage Sale!

Donations for the sale will be accepted at the back door of the 4H building in Salina on Thursday, Sept 17 & Friday, Sept 18 from 9am-5pm. As you do your fall cleaning, please consider donating your unwanted items to our sale. Tires, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers & hazardous materials are not accepted.

Needed for a successful sale:
1. Donated items;
2. Volunteers to:
help set-up the sale on donation days;
help during the sale;
help tear down sale on Tuesday
3. Customers, customers & more customers!!
4. Large paper grocery bags (Braum's & Dillon's size), plastic grocery bags, skirt/pant hangers, recyclable canvas shopping bags.

Sale dates and times are:
Saturday, Sept 19 - 9am-5pm
Sunday, Sept 20 - 1pm - 5pm
Monday, Sept 21 - 9am- 5pm - *Bag Day
Tuesday, Sept 22 - 9am - 2pm - *Bag Day
* Bag Day - fill a large paper grocery bag for $3 - or - fill your own canvas bags for $3-$5 depending on size ($3 for Dillon's size bag - $5 for Aldi size bag).

All help is greatly appreciated - you can work as little or as much as you want.

For more information or to volunteer, call Carol - 785-309-1999 or email [email protected], Kathleen Crouch 785-309-0930 or Heidi Crist 785-820-0176.

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Views 206
Listing id 12704
Post date August 12, 2015 6:44 PM
Result 0 votes
Karen Morgan
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