Sawyer ks garage in the park all summer in Sawyer, Pratt County, Kansas

Garage Sales Sawyer, Pratt County, Kansas
1.00 $


I have a lot of stuff that needs to go...I have a semi full of items for you pickers.....all proceeds to go to feeding 100 plus cats and kittens.. I have a old rack that fits in the back of the truck for animals..and a very old chicken brooder..those two items are the most expensive..i wont give them away as I can use for the cats....I will have to break it down tonight because it is suppose to rain....tue through just looking for money for cat food. thanks......Lori...I used to work at the recycling center.

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Listing id 37489
Post date June 12, 2017 1:46 PM
Result 0 votes
Lori Heiland
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