Salina Regional Health Center Service Auxiliary Spring Rummage Sale in Salina, Saline, Kansas

Garage Sales Salina, Saline, Kansas
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Donations for the SRHC (Salina Regional Health Center) Service Auxiliary Spring Rummage sale will be accepted at the back door of the 4H building in Salina on Thursday, April 30 & Friday, May 1 from 9am-5pm. As you do your Spring cleaning, please consider donating your unwanted items to our sale. Tires, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers & hazardous materials are not accepted.

Volunteers are ALWAYS needed to help set-up the sale on Thursday and Friday (donation days), work during the sale & help tear down the sale on Tuesday. If you would like to help with the sale, know someone who needs volunteer hours for school, or know someone who would like to help make our fundraiser a huge success, please contact Carol at 309-1999.

Needed: Large paper grocery bags (Dillon's & Braum's size), skirt/pant hangers and canvas shopping bags.

Sale dates and times are:
Saturday, May 2 - 9am-5pm
Sunday, May 3 - 1pm - 5pm
Monday, May 4 - 9am- 5pm - *Bag Day
Tuesday, May 6 - 9am - 2pm - *Bag Day
* Bag Day - fill a large paper grocery bag for $3 -or - fill your own canvas bags for $3-$5 depending on size ($3 for Dillon's size bag - $5 for Aldi size bag).

For more information, call Carol - 309-1999

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Listing id 5010
Post date April 28, 2015 12:48 AM
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Karen Morgan
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