Retired Mall Vendors' Sale + much more!! in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa

Garage Sales Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa


The items listed in this ad are not free, but the invitation to come is!!

~Thursday June 22nd through Sunday June 25th~
Starting at 8:00 am each day and going until everything sells!

The sale will feature a lot of collectible inventory items from a recently resigned mall vendor. Pictured are just a few of those items: old enamel coffee pots, misc. enamel ware, Pyrex dishes, old kitchen utensils, bowls, cast iron, baskets, crocks, aluminum pitcher and cups, and lots of kitchen misc. We will also have a ton of quality name brand purses, ladies/misses clothing, jeans, shoes, and accessories, household, baskets,and seasonal items, books, games, toys, bedding, fabric, curtains, jewelry, shelving, pictures, car Flexy Flares, dishes, microwave, bike trainer, PROACTIV acne treatment, and lots of misc. All items priced to sell quickly! Some other items of interest are:
• 6x6x12 large dog kennel (2-6x6 end panels, 1 w/door; 1-3x6 panel w/door; 1-6x12 panel for top; 2 dog houses (1 large wooden/1 smaller durable vinyl material); and a kennel mat
• Doggie Dooley (new in the box)
• Men’s Cannondale bike (black) w/helmet and bike pack w/owner’s manual (just in time for RAGBRAI!)
• Old tools & misc., men’s clothing, work jeans, collectible ball caps, and other items
• Old 7’solid wooden church pew
• Burlington Industries Pahlavi Collection machine woven rugs. These 2 rugs feature a repeating diamond and floral pattern in hues mostly of burgundy, navy blue, cream, goldenrod, green and red with a navy blue border and cream fringe. Area rug is 5’7”x5’6” and runner is 2’7” x 8’2”
• DeskReady Keyboard Manager
• 2007 Harley Davidson Fat Boy
• 1993 Maija print (Indian maiden in sled with husky dogs)

WATCH FOR SIGNS on Blairsferry Rd!

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Listing id 38053
Post date June 18, 2017 10:01 AM
Result 0 votes
Jessi Hertenstein Moorman
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