Olathe Garage Sale! Clothes, Furniture, Electronics, and more! in Olathe, Johnson County, Kansas

Garage Sales Olathe, Olathe, Johnson County, Kansas
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Garage Sale in Olathe on Saturday, June 17th, starting at 7 am, until all items are gone! Tons of men's and women's clothes, shoes, and accessories (jewelry, purses, etc.) with name brands like Nike, Adidas, Old Navy, Maurices, American Eagle, H&M, Express, Sperry, Coach, etc. Furniture including a dining room table and four chairs, end tables, computer desk with chair. Electronics including digital camera, iPod Nano, XBox 360 Kinect, DVDs, Wii games, Playstation 3 games, Kitchen appliances, pots and pans, books, scrapbook items, home decorations, and more!

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Listing id 37575
Post date June 13, 2017 11:10 AM
Result 0 votes
Kady Carson
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